5 Examples of Writing an Apology for Not Attending an Interview

5 Examples of Writing an Apology for Not Attending an Interview

June 25, 2024   —  Comments

Sunila Javed

Sunila Javed

And the position you’ve been waiting for so long has finally opened. You apply for the job without missing a beat, and guess what? You get shortlisted. 🤩

Feels like the universe is in your favor. 💪

You are all ready to rock the interview, but a medical emergency hits, and you just can’t make it. 

Totally disappointed? 🙂‍↕️Makes sense!

What if I tell you a secret that you can still turn this setback into a comeback by writing a professional apology for not attending an interview?  

When to Send an Apology for Not Attending an Interview 🤔

Umm … the sooner, the better! 

The best approach is to write an apology as soon as you realize that you can’t make it to the interview. 

Sending an apology email within 24 hours shows your professionalism and respect for the interviewer's time.

But life happens. 🥲

If the circumstances are not in your favor and you need extra time to craft a thoughtful apology, that’s perfectly okay. It’s way better to write it a little late than to rush and send it half-baked.

How to Write a Polite Apology for Not Attending an Interview

In case you can’t make it to the interview and want to apologize, here’s how to craft a professional email copy:

1️⃣ Start by writing a clear subject line

2️⃣ Own it that it’s you who missed the interview and express your apology sincerely by briefly explaining why you didn’t show up. 

3️⃣ Politely ask HR to reschedule the interview if possible. 

4️⃣ Wrap it up by showing gratitude for their understanding and consideration. 

5️⃣ Last but not least, don’t forget to proofread before sending the email.

5 Apology Email Examples for Missing an Interview

Have you ever had those days when anything that could go wrong, does?

Well, you are not alone. We all have such days.

So, fret not! We have got you covered with the five apology email templates for the unexpected mishaps that became a reason to miss the interview. Whether it is a family emergency, a medical issue, a personal mistake, transportation, or any technical issue, we have a solution for you!

5 Examples of Writing an Apology for Not Attending an Interview

Dive into the handy templates. ✌🏻

After all, it’s not about the obstacle but how you come out of it is what truly makes a difference.

Example 1: A family emergency

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope you are doing great.

I am really sorry for not showing up at the interview scheduled at [time] [today/yesterday] for the post of [Mention the position]. I had a family emergency to take care of, but I’m relieved to say that everything is sorted out now.

I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. I’m still up for this great opportunity and would be grateful if you reschedule the interview.

Feel free to reach me at [mention the email address] or [contact number].

Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,

[Your Full Name]

Example 2: A medical emergency

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope this email finds you well.

I want to apologize for missing my interview at [time] [today/yesterday] for the position of [mention post]. I had a medical emergency and had to rush to the hospital.

I’m doing much better now, but the doctor says it will take a week to recover fully.

It would be so nice of you if you reschedule this interview once I am back in action. If it is not possible this time, please keep me in the loop for upcoming opportunities.

Feel free to reach out to me at [mention the email address] or [contact number].

Thank you in advance!


[Your Full Name]

Example 3: A personal mistake

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope you are doing well.

I want to reach out with a sincere apology for not being there at the interview [today/yesterday] for the role of [mention the position]. I mixed up the dates and thought my interview was scheduled for tomorrow. My bad!

I have been super excited for this opportunity to be a part of the [company name] team. If you please reschedule the interview, I’ll be forever grateful.

Thanks for your time!


[Your Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

Example 4: Transportation issues

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope you are doing fine.

I am writing to apologize for not attending the interview scheduled at [time] [today/yesterday] for the position of [mention post]. My car brakes failed, and I had a serious accident. The good news is that everyone in the car escaped any severe injuries.

Missing to make it to the interview has been extremely distressful for me. I’ve been looking forward to the interview since it was scheduled. So if you please reschedule, I’ll be thankful.

You can contact me via [mention the email address] or [contact number].

Thank you for your time!


[Your Full Name]

Example 5: Technical issues

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope everything is going great.

I am sorry for being a bit late to the interview at [time] today for the role of [mention position]. Sadly, the video platform we will be using is acting up. I’m trying my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Apologies for the hiccup!

If I can’t fix the issue, would you please reschedule the interview? Or is there an option to use another video platform that we are both familiar with?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank you in advance!


[Your Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

It All Boils Down To …

We all are humans.

And life? It keeps throwing curveballs.

But how we face the situation is what sets us apart from the crowded road to success.

Remember, it is not about missing the interview; it’s about the way you bounce back from it.

So, what’s the confusion? Craft a polite apology for not attending an interview; you never know, the golden opportunity might be an email away.

Go get 'em! 💪

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