How to Create Labor Day Emails That Perform Well?

How to Create Labor Day Emails That Perform Well?

September 21, 2022   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

Have you ever celebrated a holiday that came with a roller coaster of emotions? 

If yes, then it was probably Labor Day. 

Whether it is the pride for the workforce or excitement for a holiday, Labor Day allows us to experience different emotions. But guess who’s constantly happy at this time of the year? 

Brands and marketers. 

That’s because, for them, Labor Day is an opportunity to make huge profits. And with a projected estimate of 4,371 million worldwide email users in 2023 , it’s understood that the most effective way of promoting this event is through Labor Day emails.

So, if you belong to the marketing clan and are looking for ideas to create the perfect Labor Day email, here is a list of tips and tricks that might help you achieve this.  

To begin with, let’s talk about some campaign ideas to create Labor Day emails. 

Interesting Campaign Ideas for Making Clickworthy Labor Day Emails

Campaign ideas for Labor Day emails

As we mentioned before, Labor Day is not just about acknowledging the efforts of the labor class but comes with multiple other celebrations. So, it’s a sensible idea to incorporate elements related to these celebrations in your Labor Day email’s content. 

Confused? Well, don’t be! Because the following campaign ideas will help you;  

Give tribute to laborers

We primarily celebrate Labor Day to show tribute to laborers and applaud them for working tirelessly to earn their bread and butter. That’s why creating content that solely appreciates the working class is a great idea. 

You can mention how your workforce invests all their time and energy to make your brand incredible. Such an email will improve your public reputation and show you as an employee-friendly brand.

Create seasonally appropriate designs 

In some countries, Labor Day is celebrated on the 1st of May, while in others like the USA, it is celebrated on the 5th of September. 

So, select an email design for Labor Day incorporating elements of the departing or upcoming season. 

For instance, if you send this email to subscribers in the USA, you can add the contents of back to school email in your design. But if you’re sending these emails to people in the UK, give a touch of the departing spring season or upcoming summer holidays in your email. 

Send personalized promotional emails

Personalized emails are always a big yes! 

You’d be surprised to know that 55% of marketers have made personalization their priority. You can segment your email list with people that have a purchase history of less than $50 and send them emails mentioning that your Labor Day campaign is pocket-friendly. 

On the other hand, you can create emails that feature your pricier products and send them to subscribers who like to spend more. This way, you’ll send the most relevant emails to your target audience.  

Give tips to your subscribers for celebrating this event

The intent of such content is solely to establish and nurture relationships with your customers. 

The best way to do this is by sending customized suggestions. For example, you can segment your audience who loves clothes and send them recommendations on how to dress on Labor Day, whereas for those who love cooking, you can send relevant recipes. 

Impactful Subject Lines for Labor Day Emails

Write short and precise email subject lines instead of longer ones

Arguably, a subject line is one of the most important components of your email. It determines whether your email should be opened or sent to the spam folder. Hence, write and select it wisely. 

When you write subject lines, ensure that they are precise and to the point, because research says that subject lines with 50 characters or less have a 75% higher click-through rate. 

Additionally, more than 53% of email respondents view emails on mobile devices. So, if you use short subject lines, most of your email recipients can read it through mobiles easily.  

With that being said, here is a list of the most suitable and click-worthy subject line examples for Labor Days emails. 

  • Labor Day Sale!

This short and simple subject line clearly demonstrates exclusivity.  

  • Save Up to X% During Labor Day Weekend Sale!

You can also write a promotional subject line that mentions an offer at the start. 

  • Last Chance: Labor Day Sale

Subject lines like these trigger and instill a sense of urgency. 

  • Free Shipping For All Deliveries on Labor Day

Offering something like free delivery will encourage your readers to purchase from you.  

  • The Best Holiday Deal in X Town

A personalized subject line like this one can grab attention instantly. 

  • Labor Day Sale With VIP Coupon XX

Notice how well this subject line summarized what’s inside the email. 

  • Pre-Labor Day Clearance Event!

It shows a limited-time offer or a deal for this upcoming event. Subject lines like these excite people and make them shop impulsively. 

  • Labor Day Savings Landed in Your Email Inbox

Humour wins hearts, even as a subject line. So, try to add humorous subject lines like these in your emails. 

Whichever subject line you choose, ensure it is in sync with your email content. Next, we have mentioned a few design ideas for your Labor Day emails.

Effective Design Elements to Add to Your Labor Day Emails

Design elements that can make your Labor Day email a success

Studies reveal that our brains process visual information 60,000 times faster than textual information. To make your emails stand out, we’ve listed a number of design ideas that might help you design the best Labor Day email ever. 

Use colors or elements that denote patriotism

Go for a patriotic theme as it symbolizes your support for the workforce across the nation and also displays exclusivity. 

You can incorporate a patriotic slogan or add red, white, or blue colors to your email design. Moreover, you can embed images in your email of products that follow the colors of your national flag. This way, you’ll display the spirit of nationalism and patriotism through your design. 

Display promotions and discounts 

It never hurts to be straightforward. 

If you prominently display your discount offer in your design, it will instantly attract your readers and encourage them to purchase from you. But make sure you do this with style. 

You can mention the promotional discount at the start or right in the middle to get your reader’s attention. You can also select an email template with a single background color to make the promotion's digits more vibrant and visible. 

Represent your brand through colors or elements

Your subscribers will surely get dozens and dozens of promotional emails this holiday season, so it’s a wise practice to create a Labor Day email design that represents your brand. 

This will not only make your email stand out from the rest but also serve as a reference for them to remember your email. 

One way of doing this email branding is through colors or elements. Another idea is to use a picture of a product with a patriotic theme or something related to the holiday. 

Use a minimalistic design for message clarity

A simple, clear, and minimalistic email design for promotional emails is always a sound idea. It helps you reach your target audience with very little effort. 

Don’t overuse text or images - just keep it simple. One relatable image or a minimalist element should do the job. 

Embed interactive elements

Interactive elements work like accessories to email design. They beautify them and make them attractive. Plus, 82% of respondents of a survey claimed they are likelier to click on interactive content. 

So, whenever you select a template for Labor Day emails, try to embed interactive elements in it. You can choose from various GIFs, videos, CSS animations, and, most importantly, Call to Action (CTA) buttons as they motivate your reader to take the desired action. 

5 Best Practices to Make Your Labor Day Email Campaigns a Success

Best practices to incorporate in your Labor Day email campaigns

We want your emails to outperform all their competitors, so here are some best practices you can add to your Labor Day email campaigns and make them convert like crazy. 

Segment your email list

As we mentioned earlier, you can send personalized recommendations or promotional discounts to your subscribers to win them over. And this is only possible if you segment your email list wisely. 

Knowing and understanding your audience will enable you to create better Labor Day emails, as segmented email campaigns increase revenue by 760%

Pick the right time to send emails

When it comes to selecting a time for sending emails, there is one rule you must follow, i.e., don’t send only one email per campaign. 

Before we speak of dates, let’s mention a well-known fact that Tuesdays are the best days to send emails as there is relatively more chance of opening and clicking.

As for dates, send the first email a week before this holiday. That’s because, in some countries, Labor Day comes around when people are shopping for back-to-school/college sessions, so this email allows them to start shopping over the long weekend. 

You can send the second email two to three days before Labor Day as a reminder. This email will show them that the sales and promotions will soon wear off. Then you can send one on Labor Day as a greeting or reminder of a sale.

Lastly, you can send an email a week after Labor Day as a reminder of the last chance to avail this offer. 

Ensure that your emails are responsive

Did you know that 36.6% of emails are opened through mobile devices? This means if your email design doesn’t display well on mobiles, it will leave a bad impression on your brand.  

So, ensure that your Labor Day email design is mobile-friendly and displays well on every device. 

A hassle-free way to ensure this is by choosing responsive and pre-designed Labor Day email templates, like the ones Unlayer has. 

Always test your emails 

Imagine going through all the hard work of designing and sending Labor Day emails only to see them land in spam. 

Well, that’s a nightmare, and we’d love to save you from that. So, always A/B test your emails before sending them to your audience. 

First, try to run them through different email clients and then test different elements of your emails. This will ensure that your emails are of the best quality, and as a result, your readers will love to engage with them. 

Don’t use more than two campaign ideas

We know you want your email to be the best one your subscriber has ever received, but please don’t add too many campaign ideas in that attempt. 

Incorporating one or two ideas per email will be more than enough. Otherwise, your reader will get confused with the overload of information and might not engage with your emails. 

Top 5 Labor Day Email Designs

We know visuals speak louder than words, so we have shortlisted five of the best Labor Day email designs that complemented this holiday. 

1. Milled

Labor Day email example from Milled

It’s cute, simple, attractive, AND catchy. 

We all know that holidays call for BBQ, and that's exactly what this eye-catching GIF in email demonstrates. Also, the call to sale in the email header is not only super catchy but also induces urgency in its readers. 

2. BioLite

Labor Day email example from BioLite

This attractive email design by BioLite displays their products perfectly and also encourages the reader to spend some quality time with their family/friends with an image of camping. This is one of our favorite designs to look up to. 

Also, we love how the teal CTA buttons are popping out perfectly below each product. 

3. Postable 

Labor Day email example from Postable

This adorable-looking email includes everything you should add to your Labor Day email - a cute and relatable image, a descriptive email header, and a prominent CTA button. 

4. Travel Co.

Labor Day email example from Travel Co. 

We love how simple yet perfect this email design is. 

We love a couple of things about this one. 

At the very top of the email, they placed their logo, then right after, they attached an image of a cruise ship in the email header along with a heading that says Labor Day weekend. Perfect to prep a reader for the holiday. 

In the section below the email header, they changed the background color from blue to white and used red as the font color to grab attention. This is followed by a noticeable CTA button. 

They used very limited elements in the email yet made it quite appealing. 


Labor Day email example from Clayton & Crume

This is what we mean when we ask to be minimalistic but with style. Look at this email that highlights the promotion and stays attractive.

Coolest Labor Day Email Templates You Must Use

Motivated yet anxious to create your own design? 

You shouldn’t be because Unlayer has a range of attractive and beautiful-looking Labor Day email templates that are super easy to customize as per your choice. 

The best part is that all these templates are mobile responsive and function perfectly on all devices. Our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes it pretty convenient for users to embed pictures or videos. 

Moreover, all these email templates can be exported directly to different email service providers like Mailchimp, Gmail, Constant Contact, and others. And if you wish to take suggestions or feedback from your team, you can do that as well through our team collaboration feature. 

Take a look at these attractive Labor Day templates:

Template 1


Labor Day email template from Unlayer


Get this template here

Look how this template elegantly represents the brand and simultaneously displays Labor Day’s discount offer. 

Also, notice how different sections of the template are properly distributed. You can promote different products or services in each section, and the reader will be able to easily identify when a new thing is being introduced. 

Plus, yellow CTAs against the white background are perfect for encouraging the reader to click on them. 

Template 2 


Labor Day email template from Unlayer


Get this template here

Messages for Labor Day have been neatly incorporated into this template - they are not overlapping or saturated. Moreover, the white background and vibrant colored border make it look very presentable.

Template 3


Labor Day email template from Unlayer


Get this template here

An animation of the workforce at the top and pictures of the product at the bottom - couldn’t have asked for a better blend of these two elements in a template. 

You can see how each of these templates includes necessary information and animation in regards to Labor Day without being messy. How about giving it a shot

Final Thoughts

We are pretty sure that these tips and suggestions have clarified your confusion about how, when, and why you should design your Labor Day emails. 

Honestly, it’s not hard at all. You can simply follow the above-mentioned tips, and your email will outshine several other Labor Day emails that people will receive on this holiday. 

Fair enough? So start creating!

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