8 Personalized Product Recommendation Email Examples + Tips

8 Personalized Product Recommendation Email Examples + Tips

October 13, 2023   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

I’m a big fan of floral dresses. 👗🥰

To the extent that I always have a tab or two open on my system for clothing stores with floral dresses. 

Recently, I was taken by surprise when I opened my email inbox, and a clothing brand sent me an email saying, “We hand-picked floral dresses for you.”


This targeted email hit the bull’s eye, and I ended up making the suggested purchase within 20 minutes of receiving the email. 

So, if you wish to skyrocket your sales, send product recommendation emails to your customers who are most interested in your products. To help you ace this, I’ve shortlisted eight amazing personalized product recommendation email examples to help you find the inspiration you need. 

But before we start, let’s discuss the purpose of these emails and why your business needs them. 

Why Are Product Recommendation Emails Important for Businesses?

Importance of personalized recommendations emails.

Personalized product recommendation emails are a type of promotional email that is sent to customers to encourage them to buy from your brand, make wiser purchases, and boost your brand’s sales. 

These emails are highly personalized and mostly curated after understanding a customer’s behavior or preferences. These emails work in two ways and are beneficial for businesses and customers alike. 

Personalized product recommendation emails help to: 

🚀 Drives sales

By promoting a new or upgraded product, you can encourage customers to make a purchase instantly. 

🚀 Boosts traffic of your website

Sending customers timely and personalized product recommendation emails leading to your website will increase your website's traffic and overall visits. 

🚀 Helps your audience find the right product 

Just like the scenario I mentioned at the start, a personalized product recommendation email helps people find exactly what they need. And if there’s a promotional deal on it, customers will be even more excited to purchase. 

🚀 Serves as a reminder

It also helps to remind customers to complete or make a purchase. In this fast-paced world, it’s only natural to forget that you have to buy something. With a product recommendation email, you can bring their attention back to the purchasing process. 

🚀 Builds brand credibility

Sending personalized product recommendation emails helps you boost brand awareness among your target audience. In fact, if the campaign succeeds at impressing, they’re most likely to purchase from you again and become one of your loyal customers. 

🚀 Introduces new products

One of the most predictable and common advantages of these emails is to introduce your new product. Such emails serve the purpose of both product launch and product recommendation emails simultaneously.  

🚀 Upgrades existing service 

By noticing the behavior and demands of your customers, you can also send them personalized product recommendations. For example, if you sell a SaaS product and notice your subscribers looking for a certain feature, you can send an email to let them know how upgrading to a certain plan can help them avail of that feature. 

It’s amazing how a single email can help you achieve so many goals. 

Now that we’ve established that personalized product recommendation emails are a golden ticket to conversion. Let’s look into the best-performing ones to take inspiration and tips from. 

8 Product Recommendation Email Examples To Make You Go Wow!

At this point, I’m certain you’re convinced that personalized recommendation emails are what will help you drive more sales, 🤑and you might have even started planning your next email campaign. 

So, for you, I’ve listed examples of the best-performing product recommendation emails that’ll help you create a masterpiece of your own. 

Welcome email 

Welcome emails are like an online introduction to your subscribers. So, make sure you create a lasting impression on them. 

You can use this opportunity to introduce them to your amazing products or services and tell them what you’re offering. Just like this email from Sephora did by featuring their best sellers in the first email customers received. 

Welcome email for product recommendation. 

Seasonal/Holiday emails 

Let’s assume you noticed your customer browsing for back-to-school supplies. Then, it's time to send them a personalized email recommending all your school products that they can buy for their little ones. 

A timely back-to-school or holiday email like this is a golden opportunity to encourage them to purchase from you. Look how Printerpix tremendously crafted a product recommendation email featuring their back-to-school products. 

Back to school & product recommendations email from Printerpix. 

Re-engagement emails 

Want your precious subscribers to re-engage with you? Then show them what they’ll miss if they unsubscribe.  

Re-engagement emails are an ideal opportunity for you to win them back by showcasing your best products or features. Tell them why you’re worth their time and money. This email from oVertone might help you understand what I’m talking about. 

Re-engagement and personalized product recommendation email from oVertone. 

Product launch emails 

Launched a new product or service that you’re proud of? Then, it’s time to send personalized recommendation emails to the people who are most likely to purchase it. 

These emails will excite your readers, and even if they’re not ready to avail of it immediately, they’ll still be interested to know more about the new release. As a result, the engagement rate of your emails will increase. 

Just like this email from Magic Spoon introduces their new flavors. Now if you received one such email, you’d be excited to try this new flavor at least once, won’t you?  

Product launch email template from Magic Spoon. 

Post-purchase emails

A post-purchase email sends personalized recommendations of clothes according to the subscriber’s recent purchase. 

I do believe they could have done a little better with the email design, but the intent perfectly does its job, i.e., recommending its subscriber to make the next purchase according to their style. Notice how they said, “More products that go with your look.” Now, someone knows how to write an email copy

Take notes from this email sent by Sambag

Post-purchase and product recommendation email from Sambag. 

Back-in-stock email

Ever been heartbroken because the item you had your eye on is no longer in stock? 

We’ve all been through this. Thankfully, brands restock their much-demanded items. But if they fail to inform you about this, what’s the point? 

Therefore, you, as a brand, should send those back-in-stock emails recommending customers their much-desired products. 

I’ve even found an amazing back-in-stock email example that’ll impress you enough to create your own campaign. Look how Sproos’ email is so straightforward yet incredibly attractive. That’s what you should be aiming for. 

Product recommendation email in the form of a back-in-stock email from Sproos. 

Rewards or loyalty emails 

Another opportunity to recommend your product or service to your customers is when they’ve spent a significant amount of time with your brand, such as their anniversary. 

And since Grammarly is known for making dapper emails, let’s take some inspiration from them. 

Product recommendation email in the form of an anniversary email from Grammarly. 

Card abandonment emails

If your customer abandoned their cart, it’s probably because they were having second thoughts about purchasing or got caught up with something. 

Time to help them complete the purchase. ⏰

But if you want to take your abandoned cart email up a notch, also recommend something that sits well with their taste, and they’d like to purchase with the abandoned product. 

This way, you can shoot two birds with one stone. Here’s an email from Timberland that might inspire you to do so.  

Card abandonment and product recommendation email from Timberland. 

Interesting how there are so many unique opportunities to send a personalized product recommendation, no? 

Then, start creating your own campaign. And while you’re at it, here are some tips and expert opinions to help you make the best of this campaign. 

Best Practices to Run a Product Recommendation Email Campaign

Best practices for creating product recommendation emails. 

Want to make the most of your product recommendation email campaign? Then, you’ve got to incorporate the below-mentioned tips and tricks. 

Choose the best time to send 

Summing up the research conducted by email marketing platforms like Omnisend, Brevo, and GetResponse, the best days to send emails are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 

Whereas Robert Rose, a marketing strategy expert, said that he receives 20% of his email newsletters at 10 a.m. On the other hand, Reinis, an e-commerce email marketing expert, says that email campaigns have the best open rates at 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. This makes the window of 8 to 12 p.m. the best time to send emails

Automate your process 

Automated email sequences do a great job of keeping your prospects engaged at different stages of your customer journey. And if you think strategically, you can recommend suitable products at different stages. 

While automating your email sequences, don’t forget to personalize the email sequence according to your customer’s preference. 

Carmine Mastropierro suggests taking advantage of drip campaigns and automated email sequences as they help businesses save time and generate sales on autopilot. 

Write copy smartly 

Email copywriting is no joke. If you want your readers to resonate with your words, try to use numbers to grab their attention. Also, ensure the use of gender-neutral terms like they or them instead of his/her. 

Expert email strategist and conversion copywriter Samar Owais encourages all email copywriters to think of a single person when writing emails instead of their whole subscriber list. This way, you’ll write to connect with people at an individual level. 

In case you’re using AI for email marketing, make sure you use it to review it for quality or suggest titles and taglines. Avoid completely depending on AI for writing emails. 

Related: How to Create Conversion-Worthy Emails With Samar Owais

Add countdown

Nothing instills FOMO in your readers like countdown timers do.

Countdown timers in emails make your emails look more visually appealing, instill a sense of urgency among readers, and boost the engagement rate of your emails. 

Email builders that do or don’t have a timer feature are a deal breaker for many users. 

Insert testimonials

Testimonials and reviews in email help you increase the credibility of your emails and brand as a whole. 

Imagine if you were skeptical about buying a device and someone rated it with five stars. Wouldn’t you be convinced to buy it? 

Adam Robinson, CEO of Retention.com, also suggests adding social proof in emails in order to add more weight to it.

And that’s how you create successful personalized product recommendation emails. 

Now that we’re done with the theory, let’s hop onto some actionable steps. I’m about to tell you the easiest way to design high-performing product recommendation emails, i.e., create them with Unlayer. 

Design Awesome Product Recommendation Emails With Unlayer. 

You might get a little overwhelmed with all the information above. But in all honesty, designing jaw-dropping emails has become effortless with Unlayer. 

The following features make the email creation process not only seamless but also beneficial. Let’s discuss these features one by one. 

🟦 Merge tags for personalization. 

🟦 Customization abilities through drag and drop features.  

🟦 Team collaboration features for design-related feedback and suggestions. 

🟦 AI features to suggest smart headings, CTAs, and body texts. 

🟦 A library of 1500+ prebuilt email templates to choose from. 

🟦 Media library to assist in designing.

Here’s a reference video that’ll bring more clarity that designing personalized product recommendation emails is a piece of cake with Unlayer.  

Moving on from design creation, let’s talk about some of the coolest subject line examples to go with your personalized product recommendation emails. 

Noticeable Product Recommendation Email Subject Lines

Here are five email subject line examples that’ll coax your readers to click open your emails. 

  • 👀We’ve got what you’re looking for! 

  • This dress will look great on you! 👗

  • Want to enjoy more features? Go pro! 🐱‍💻

  • Presenting the juiciest burger in town! 🍔

  • 👠These heels are to die for!

Got some suggestions for us? Feel free to comment in the box below!

Wrapping Up

All amped up to create a personalized product recommendation email? Awesome. 

I can already tell it’ll be a success. 🥳

Just try to incorporate the tips and suggestions mentioned above, and you’ll do great.

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